Kniftybits's Blog

All knitting, all the time.

A New Project! August 23, 2011

The other day I posted about how I was in knitting burnout. I didn’t see a solution in sight – and then there was a ring of the doorbell.

However, I don’t ever answer the door. 99,999 times out of 100,000 if someone is knocking on the door, it’s not for any reason I am interested in. “Would you like to buy a left handed egg fluffer?” “Have you heard of the Church of the Flying Rabbit?” “I just broke your window with my soccer ball, can I have it back?” Etc.

So after an appropriate amount of paranoid blind peering I opened the door, grabbed the waiting package, and darted back inside.

It was a belated birthday present!

I am such a bag wh*re.

The contents motivated me to immediately abandon all my old boring projects and grab my needles to start  the project. And then I got to the first line about doing a provisional crochet cast on. Blarg! Time to find a youtube video.

If you’d like to get this project it is available through Knit Picks.